We kind of had a little bit of a warm burst of temperature (highs in the upper 60’s) around St. Patrick’s Day, so I removed the large leaf pile from the hop rhizome beds, and tossed it into the compost bin. And as you can tell in the pics, I’ve already got a garden full of green onions/chives, plus the rhubarb & sedum flowers are putting out buds like crazy. And from the looks of things with the rhubarb, it going to be another bumper crop of stalks this year.
But this week the temperature has dropped back down to the lower 30’s. So for now I’ll just have to bide my time with all the seed starting that I need to do inside, instead of any outside work.
I’ve attached, kind of a panoramic shot of the back yard, so you can get the full effect of what’s going on this year so far.
One final thing, which is kind of off topic, but semi related to this conversation. Many years ago I had I picnic table on the brick patio in the backyard. Well I ended up having to get rid of that picnic table, but I never found anything to replace it. And as you can tell in the pics, I have plenty of chairs for the patio, just no table. So this year I thought that I would finally undertake the task of re-laying the patio bricks, and making a “rustic” table for the patio. Since it’s kind of a shame, that I’m not utilizing this space to it’s full potential in the summer time. So expect to see some updates in the future for this little side project.