Garden – Early-May – 2011

Seeing how last year was a complete failure in trying to grow hops diagonally, I’ve reconstructed the old EMT conduit A-Frame, since it was just sitting in a pile of parts in the backyard. And the reconstruction was just in the nick of time, since the Centennial is growing like gangbusters. The Golding is going on the slow side, but so far it’s doing better this year, then it was last year.

You’ll also notice that the rhubarb has already gone to seed, which is earlier than I was expecting. But none the less, all I did was take my pruners and just cut off the seed heads, since I don’t need the seeds, and the seed head also takes away from stalk production. But as the pics can attest, I’m not really in a shortage of rhubarb stalks this early in the season.

For some reason this year, the weeds are growing like crazy in the main garden. So I’ll have to finally bust out the stirrup hoe or string trimmer one of the nights and do some heavy duty weeding to get the garden ready for the May 20th transplant date.

2 comments on “Garden – Early-May – 2011

  • AuSable says:

    Funny you should mention that, since I was suppose to hit the garden with the blowtorch at the end of last season, but it just didn’t happen. And by the time I finally got around to cleaning up the garden, all the stuff that I don’t want to kill, was already in full bloom. Hence why I hit the garden with the string trimmer.

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