Since I ended up getting Monday off for MLK, I thought that is is high time that I brew up a batch of beer, since I’m running low of both BL and homebrew. Sure I still have the keg of Christmas beer that hasn’t been tapped (even though all the bottles were drank in early December.)
I really don’t remember how this recipe developed other then JRR mentioned that he also planned on brewing a irish red ale. So I basically took the base recipe that he gave me, made a couple of tweaks and I was off and running. We’ll see how this batch turns out in a couple of weeks.
Recipe: IRA Bomber – Irish Red Ale – 5.5 gals
7 lb – Pale Malt – Marris Otter
2 lb – Rye Malt
1 lb – Caramal/Crystal Malt – 30L
.75 lb – Cara-Pils/Dextrin
1 lb – Rye Flaked
.25 lb – Barley, Roasted
.25 lb – Biscuit Malt
First Gold – 0.5 oz pellet – 45mins – 8.0% AA
Mt Hood – 0.5 oz pellet – 30mins – 4.0% AA
Mt Hood – 0.5 oz pellet – 15mins – 4.0% AA
First Gold – 0.5 oz pellet – 5mins – 8.0% AA
Hallertauer – 1.0 oz pellet – dry hop – 3.0% AA
OG – 1.052 @ 60F
Yeast: 2nd generation Wyeast Irish Ale 1084
1 tsp of Irish Moss added during the last 15 mins of the boil.
Mash: 90 mins @ 154F
Powersbrewery format:
RO^IRA Bomber^01/16/10^38^31^5.5^90^9^4^70^100^8.8^0.3^0.1^0.4^0.4^0.3^73^73^7^82^81^2^32^32^1^22^22^0.75^83^82^1^9^9^0.25^11^11^0.25^0^0^0^17^17^41^0.5^45^0^1^23^0.5^30^0^1^23^0.5^15^0^1^41^0.5^5^0^1^18^1^0^0^1^0^0^0^0^1^0^61^155^1.1^^^^Whitbread Golding = First Gold. Dry hop with the Hersbrucker. Add 1 teaspoon Irish Moss during the last 15 minutes of the boil.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^8^4^4^8^3^0^0.1^
Side note:
- I need to work on my grain absorption factor , since 0.1 gal a pound is on the low side while 0.2 gal a pound is to high.
- The color seems a bit off, more of a brownish color then a reddish color.
- Since I couldn’t find Whitbread Golding hops, I used First Gold instead.
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