Well I finally placed my seed order with Johnny’s tonight, and here is what I ended up ordering for $50.35 (shipping is included in that number.) Each packet of seeds ranged from $1.00 to $2.95 each, with a couple of the salad mixes being a great deal with 5,000 to 17,000 seeds for $1.50 a packet. Continue reading
Tag: seeds
Going to order plant seeds this weekend
I just got my Johnny’s Selected Seeds catalog in the mail last month, so I’ve spent the last couple of weeks planning out what I want to order for this years garden. This way I’m not left high and dry like last year, in which I ended up getting all my seeds from Menards and there little Burpee display.
Here is the very large list that I’ve come up with so far of flowers, vegetable and herb seeds. Since I really don’t have the room to grow everything on the list, I’ll have to cut this list down a lot. But at least its a nice jumping off point to start a discussion. Continue reading
Thinking Spring 2010 – Garden pre-planning
Other then the freezing rain coming down the last couple days, I’m trying to think warm. And with spring a couple of months out, its time for me to start some of my garden pre-planning, about what I want to plant this year. One of the first things that I’ve done this week is order myself a 2010 seed catalog from Johnny’s Selected Seeds. Yeah I like jumping on their web site, and surfing around for stuff, but sometimes a hard copy just makes things a little bit easier. Two items that I’m thinking of ordering from Johnny’s are some Lovage seeds and maybe some Stevia seeds.
I’ve already picked up a packet of Burpee Swiss Chard – Fordhook Giant, while I was at Menard’s getting some Miracle Gro potting soil. And I’m also kind of curious if anything will grow out of the seeds that I saved from the Aji Limo peppers that I got from my farmer neighbor. But I guess we’ll see if anything pans out of the Aji Limo this year.
If anyone has any suggestions on what I should grow this year, now is definitely the time to let me know. So just post a comment with your plant ideas, since I’m always looking for suggestions. Thanks.