Garbage Nachos Recipe – Fridge leftovers edition

Man was I in the mood to have a plate of nachos for dinner a couple of weeks back. Yeah I said it, nachos for dinner. So basically I went though my fridge, and anything that looked like it might go on top of a plate of nachos, was used for these nachos(which included a lot of leftovers from earlier in the week). So here was what I ended up using for these nachos from the bottom up: Continue reading

Potato Chip Review – Sabritas – Doritos – Diablo Enchilado

When I opened the bag, there was almost no smell. Just a faint hint of cumin and paprika. And the first bite was like a hot flash in your mouth, almost like an explosion of heat. As quick as it hits you, then it’s gone. Only to be replaced with a boot to the face of citric acid. At first I thought that it was lime, but it really didn’t taste like lime until I checked the package, and saw that it was citric acid. All I can say is holy citric acid!! These chips have so much citric acid flavor in the finish that they are almost inedible. I had to stop eating them for 10 minutes, just so that my taste buds could somewhat recover. Another strange thing I noticed is that the longer you keep the chips in your mouth, the more citric acid flavor you get. So if you love the sour of citric acid, then these are for you. But for me, I’m glad I just had a ~2 oz. bag, because anymore would have been too much for me.

Kaiser Rolls – Failure to launch

Another bread recipe and another failed attempt. As you can probably tell from the texture shot toward the end, that there basically isn’t any texture inside the rolls. The crumbs from slicing have more texture then the finished kaiser roll. I can’t remember but I think I used bread flour instead of AP flour, so that might have been my downfall in these rolls.

Giving it a quick once over, it is remarkable that there are almost no air pockets in the interior of the bread. If I had made it flat, it probably would have made a better pita bread then kaiser roll. Well back to the drawing board as usual.

Making the Hershey’s Kitchens – Ranch Style Shrimp and Bacon Appetizers

Let me start by saying that this recipe despite the title has nothing to do with ranch dressing, unlike the whole salad with chicken thing. But more like “I’ll be spending the weekend at my ranch, branding cattle the whole time.” Continue reading

Misha the Cat

You’ll never believe it, but my folks got a kitten while they were in town helping with my sisters garage sale a couple of weekends back. We were driving around town after the garage sale, collecting all the signs that my sister posted around town. As we were driving back home, my sister and mom wanted to stop at this garage sale to check it out. (I know it doesn’t make any sense, why would you go to a garage sale. If you were just done having one.)

While I was waiting in the truck with my sisters husband. Curiosity got the best of me, and I had to check out this garage sale (but it was more like a yard sale, since the sale was in there front yard and not the garage in the back of the house.) Well it turned out that not only were they sell junk in the front yard, but they were also giving away kittens on the front porch.

Turns out that my Mom just couldn’t resist a free kitten. She ended up picking out this 4 week old gray cat with blue eyes. There were a bunch of different cats, but the gray one was the youngest. Which is probably for the best, since mom wants her to be an inside only cat.

We sent quite a bit of time on Saturday, trying to come up with girl cat names. Since the cat is gray, I threw in my two cents to name her Kimball, but no one else was liking it as much as me. Turns out that the cat kind of named herself. During our brainstorming session we stumbled on Misha, and it just kind of worked for her. So here is Misha the cat.

Cinder block smoker or compost bin?

So I’ve got a dilemma.

When I bought my house a number of years back, for some reason the previous owner had left a pile of cinder blocks on the side of the house (as well as a bunch of past due water bills.) For the last couple of years they have just been stacked on the north side of the house, since I thought that it would be a waste to throw out perfectly good cinder blocks when I might need them some day. Say for instance stealing someones rims, this way I’m already prepared to put the car on blocks, but I digress. Continue reading